Friday, 1 January 2010

Data Restore

"Some of my files have disappeared" announces a lady on the phone.

"Disappeared?" I ask.

"Yes they are just gone" she tells me.

"Are you sure they haven't been deleted or moved to another folder?"

"Well I was doing a little 'housekeeping' yesterday" she confesses. "Can you get them back?"

"Where were they saved to?" I ask.

"On the server" she says.

"Which one?"

"I dunno?"

I get her to look at the mapped drive and I finally establish which fileserver. Now for the hard part...

"Ok where about on that server did you store them?" I ask (Already expecting the answer.)

"How am I supposed to know that?" She asks as if I have asked her to quote me a Linux command.

"You created the files. You saved the files. Where did you save them too?" I ask again patiently.


After about ten minutes we have gone through about thirty folders until we find some that are familiar.

"Now" I ask (wondering by this point whether I should bother) "Which files are missing?"

"I don't know!"

"Then how do you know they are missing?"

"Because they are NOT there" she insists.

"So to sum up, you may or may not have deleted some files. But you don't know what folder they were in in the first place or what the files were called?"

"Well I am not good with computers" she explains.

In the end I have no choice but to restore an entire 18GB directory. Instead of taking a couple of minutes for a few files, it ends up taking three hours.

30 minutes later...

"My files are still not back." the lady rings back to tell me.

"I am not surprised" I say "I have had to restore everything as you didn't know what you deleted. It could take several hours."

"It was my spreadsheet. That's all that's missing."

Now I just feel I want to bang my head against a brick wall.

Three hours later and the restore finally finishes. To my everlasting regret I phone the lady back.

"The restore has completed. Is your spreadsheet back?" I enquire.

"Oh I found it ages ago" she says "It was saved on my memory stick all the time."

Thud! Thud! Thud!

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