Wednesday, 24 February 2010

How does it "Logon?"

It's that time of year again when we recall staff laptops and re-issue with new ones, with new more up to date software installed.

Today two of my colleagues had to go and swap out a few dozen laptops at one of our sites. About halfway through the morning they were dealing with a Gentleman and had just finished the transaction when he asked "How does this laptop log on?"

One of my colleagues explained that it was exactly the same as before where as the man replied with condescending superiority. "Don't be stupid, how on earth is it going to work like the old one?"

My colleague, a little taken aback by this tried to explain that all he had to do was log on the same as he did on his old laptop. The man shook his head again, refusing to believe him.

"It's a different Laptop, it won't logon the same as before, now tell me how I get on to it."

"Just put you username and password in the boxes, like you did on the old one and click OK."

"That won't work I tell you." The man argues again.

"Please just try it." My colleague insists.

"Well OK, but you're wrong."

He types in his credentials and stands back ready to gloat. The laptop of coarse logs straight in to the network, just as the old one did and creates a profile. See the laptop functioning correctly, the man's face dropped heavily.

"Well... um. Errr, well OK then." he stumbles, picks up his new laptop and leaves.

The only other person more speechless than him, was my colleague.

Stupidity has no bounds...

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