Friday 19 February 2010

Multiple User Access

The most annoying users that report faults are the ones that don't believe the explanation you give them. They call us up asking for technical help, because they don't understand, but end up telling us we are wrong and then asking the same question elsewhere: Only to get the same answer.
One day our helpdesk took a call from a woman over in another building. She and two of her colleagues had an Excel spreadsheet that they all had access to and modified on a regular basis. On this particular day, all three had the file open, but only the first could edit it and then save the file. The other two had the file in "Read Only" mode.

This is a restriction of the software and doesn't allow multiple users to edit the files simultaneously. Our Helpdesk Technician explained this but the woman refused to acknowledge the answer and demanded to speak to someone "higher up."
The call was passed over to a Senior Analyst who proceeded to explain again to the woman why they couldn't edit the file. Again the woman refused to listen to the solution and demanded to speak to the Boss.
The call was passed on with the same result. In the end we decided to play along.
"OK, yes, we can see the problem. Can all three of you close the file while we sort it out?" We ask her.
All three closed down Excel on their PC's.

"Now if you could just you could re-open it and see if you can make the changes."

Strangely enough, if worked. For her anyway, she was soon calling back because the other two were now in "Read Only" mode. But for some reason there was no one here to take the call.

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