Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Software User Error

We have a few people that are self taught "experts" in certain software packages. These people have learnt from a book rather than from experience. So when something goes wrong they automatically blame the software and do not consider the age old lesson that books are never the same as real life.

For instance we have a guy here that considers himself a "Pro" in Adobe Flash. Now from what we have seen of his work, he is pretty good. Until something goes wrong...

"Flash isn't working on this Computer. I can't be installed properly." He reports one day. So off I go to take a look. Along the way I meet one of my colleagues coming from the other direction.

"Where you off too?" He asks.

I explain and he gasps in exasperation. Turns out he had just left the same person, after looking at the same fault only about a minute before they called my office.

The man had created a complicated flash file and was getting an error when he ran it. Instead of checking the file for errors, he had immediately blamed the Computer and the software. He had phoned my colleague first, hadn't liked being told it was his file, and then rang us to see if could offer a different solution. I went along anyway and after examining the error told him the same thing.

To prove it to him, we tested the file on two other computers and even went as far as to get one of my other colleagues (he too is a Flash specialist) to test the file. He too concluded the file was at fault.

Almost every day for the next fortnight we kept getting calls from him asking us to fix the flash installation on his PC. Eventually he must have found the problem or given up calling.

It gets better... Or Worse...

Another user we have is a Lady who uses Sage. However she is known in our department as being one of the worse computer users in the company. One afternoon I got called down because she was having an issue printing from Sage. In fairness, Sage can be a bit tricky and over the years we have had some very annoying problems. This was one of those occasions. It took a while but eventually we got it printing as it should.

We explained to the Lady what she needed to be doing in the future then...

"Why do we even need sage anyway?  Why can't we use excel? I know how to use Excel!!" She erupts.

Hmmm, maybe because Sage is a dedicated, specialised package for accounting and Excel is for generic spreadsheets. (Just a thought!)

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