Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Wireless Problems

I got a phone call this morning from one of our members of staff. They were complaining that their company laptop was not connecting to the wireless system. I talked them through the usual precedures to try and diagnose the problem.

The wireless network was functioning correctly, their wireless card was enabled and configured correctly. In the end I asked them to bring the laptop up to our Support Office so that we could take a proper look.

The user then complained "But I am at home, do you mean I have to come all the way in to work just because your equipment doesn't work?" (Yes they had neglected to tell me they were working at home and they didn't have broadband.)

Upon explaining that as miraculaus as modern technology was our wireless system does NOT have a 25 mile range and "YES" they would have to bring the laptop in to us, I got the reply.

"Well that's just NOT good enough!"

Some people just expect way too much...

1 comment:

  1. That'll be your next project then - configure the wireless to work no matter where the staff are!


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